- 本校自1953年創校以來,在歷任校長的卓越領導與全體師生的積極努力下,從校地面積僅300坪的臺灣省立海事專科學校、臺灣省立海洋學院、國立臺灣海洋學院,逐步發展為現今校園面積達60公頃的國立臺灣海洋大學,成為一所以「海洋為主體,但不以海洋為限」、「卓越教學」與「特色研究」兼具的國際頂尖一流大學。
- 本校目前設有「海大校區」、「馬祖校區」及「桃園觀音校區」三個校區。全校計有七個學院,包括22個學系、12個獨立研究所、28個碩士班、20個博士班、13個碩士在職專班,4個進修學士班。本校學生人數將近9,000人,另有來自其他各個國家的境外生與國際生約500人,已成為全球最具完整特色之國際化的頂尖海洋高等學府。
- 海大主校區濱臨基隆港,校園倚山傍海,與和平島、正濱漁港、碧砂漁港及海洋科技博物館等相毗鄰,並有獨特的龍崗生態園區,可遠眺一望無際的太平洋美麗海景,是一所景色秀麗的港都城市大學。馬祖校區成立於2017年9月,共有3個學系,除教學與實驗研究外,校區特色重點課程與馬祖產業發展方向緊密結合,同時成立「馬祖海洋研究中心」,規劃有關產學合作、生技加值、交通建設、航運、水域活動及觀光休閒等多面向發展,希望培養海洋產業跨領域高階人才。2018年11月,桃園觀音校區設立「海洋創新育成基地」,建置海域環境觀測平台與海洋科學園區,協助桃園市政府建設桃園為兼具陸海空大型國際都會城市。
- 歷年來,本校在教學、研究與服務等各方面的表現屢屢獲得肯定,自2005年起海大連續獲選為教育部「獎勵大學教學卓越計畫」重點大學;2006年起,連續獲得教育部「五年五百億發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」、「邁向頂尖大學計畫」、「高教深耕計畫」第一部分及第二部分兩個特色一流研究中心「海洋中心」及「海洋工程科技中心」,以及「大學社會責任實踐(USR)計畫」之特別補助,並於2021年獲遠見USR楷模獎;本校出版的「海洋學刊 JMST」成為國內大學出版的期刊中,第一個委任ELSEVIER公司出版並收錄至雙I ( SCI與EI ) 資料庫之期刊,堪稱外界對海洋大學在教學、研究與服務等各個面向的肯定。
- 本校積極整合學術資源,擴大學術能量,積極爭取研究與產學合作計畫、延攬國際海洋專業人才,並結合海洋特色與優勢,積極改善教學、實驗、實習與現場調查設備。推動學校及產業界合作,強化產學研發能量,並獲重要成果。產學研究與技轉經費自2011年至今,均已大幅躍升,產學金額由5.8億成長為12.5億以上,技轉金額則由400萬元成長為5,000萬元以上,表現亮眼!促進學生學習專業與實務經驗相互結合,擴展學生國際觀,大力推動校外實習,學生長短期出國見習,促進校園國際化,並創立2,000萬元「海洋珍珠基金」,用以聘請國際級大師,提高教學研究水準。積極推動「2+1」雙聯學位,加速推動本校國際化。配合國家「海洋白皮書」與「綠能」政策,培育國家重要海洋專業人才,包含離岸風電之海事工程、智慧航輪、船長等高薪人才。AI應用、食科與食安、生技醫療、海洋環境保育、高科技生科與養殖等特殊專業人才。校內提供學生社團發展及體育設施環境,落實全人教育目標,培育具海洋人文素養與社會競爭力的人才。此外,亦積極與國內外各高中職及大學與研究所攜手合作,執行「教育部大學社會責任實踐(USR)計畫」,擴大在社會的影響力與貢獻,擦亮我們海洋的招牌!
- 基於學校過去既有的教學與研究成果,未來將秉持「頂尖海大建造工程」的十大願景與理念,帶領著全校師生跟行政團隊,對內—持續精進教學方法與創新、促進校園和諧並落實大學社會責任;對外—擴大爭取外部的資源,提升關鍵技術研發並展現本校特色研究成果、強化產學合作的質與量、提升學校的國際競爭力及全球排名,為臺灣培育更多兼具國際視野及在地關懷的跨領域海洋專業人才!辦一所「令人感動的大學」以及「社會不可或缺的大學」!讓海大成為一所具有活力與高度榮譽感之「卓越教學與特色研究兼具的海洋國際頂尖大學」!
Top Ocean University With Excellence in Teaching and Featured Research
- Founded in 1953, National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) has become a well-fledged university (with 6,458,346 square feet) on account of the superior leadership of the past principals and the efforts of the faculty, staff and students, originally named Provincial Taiwan Maritime Technology College (with only 10,677 square feet), Maritime College and National Taiwan College of Marine Science and Technology. NTOU is an ocean-based university, but not limited to the ocean and also an internationally well-known university with excellence in teaching and featured research.
- NTOU has three campuses: The main campus, Matsu campus, and Guanyin-Taoyuan campus. We have seven colleges, consisting of 22 departments, 12 graduate institutes, 28 master programs, 20 doctoral programs, 13 in-service master programs, and four bachelor programs of extension education. NTOU has nearly 9,000 students and about 500 overseas students, which makes NTOU the top ocean university internationally.
- The main campus is situated in the mountains and faces Keelung Harbor, near Heping Island, Zhengbin Fishing Harbor, Bisha Fishing Harbor, and the National Museum of Marine Science and Technology. The main campus is a beautiful harbor/city university with Longgang Ecological Park and has the endless ocean view of the Pacific Ocean. Matsu campus was founded in Sept. 2017 and has three departments. In addition to the teaching/learning and research, the goal of the Matsu campus is to closely integrate with the development of Matsu industry. We established Matsu Ocean Research Center in order to promote more industry-university cooperation, biotechnology developments, infrastructure constructions, shipping developments, and the developments of leisure and recreation. With the multi-faceted developments, it is expected to develop more cross-disciplinary marine professionals. In Guanyin-Taoyuan campus, we also established the Ocean Innovation Incubation Base, a platform for marine environment observations, and a marine science park, which assists Taoyuan city government to build a metropolitan Taoyuan city.
- In the past years, NTOU has been awarded for teaching, research and service. Since 2005, we were awarded Promoting Teaching Excellence Universities Project promoted by the Ministry of Education. Since 2006, we were also awarded Top University and Excellent Research Center Project, Top University Project, Higher Education Sprout Project (both two parts), and University Social Responsibility. With the support of Higher Education Sprout Project, we are able to build the best research centers: The Center of Excellence for the Oceans (CEOE) and The Center of Excellence for Ocean Engineering (CEOE). An NTOU publication, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, is the first journal commissioned ELSEVIER Publishing Company, and included in both SCI and EI databases, which is the highest award for our teaching, research, and service.
- NTOU actively integrates academic resources to expand research energy, competes for research and industry-university cooperation projects, and recruits international marine professionals. Additionally, NTOU actively combines the characteristics and advantages of the ocean, improves teaching, experiment, internship, and field investigation equipment, promotes cooperation between university and industry, and strengthens industry-university research and development. Based on the implementations, we have obtained very significant results. First, the funding of industry-university research and technology transfer has sharply risen since 2011. The amount of industry-university fund has grown from 580 million to more than 1.25 billion, and the amount of technology transfer fund has grown from 4 million to more than 50 million, which is outstanding. Secondly, NTOU vigorously encourages off-campus internships and short- and long-term internships abroad in order to promote the integration of students’ professional learning and practical experience and to expand students’ international outlook. Furthermore, “Ocean Pearl Fund” with 20 million NT dollars is established to recruit international masters, PhDs and to enhance teaching and research qualities. “2+1” dual degree is also promoted to enhance internationalization. In accordance with national policies, National Ocean Policy White Paper and Green Energy, NTOU develops special professionals and high-paying talents. These talents include off-shore wind power marine engineering, smart ships, captains, AI applications, food science, marine environment conservation, high-tech biotechnology, biomedicine and aquaculture. Finally, the school encourages student club development and provides sports facilities, implements whole-person education, and cultivates talents with marine humanistic qualities. In addition, we also actively cooperate with various senior high schools, universities and research institutes at home and abroad to expand our influence and contribution to society. By doing so, we bring honor and credibility to NTOU!
- Building upon the school’s past teaching and research achievements, I am going to adopt a pragmatic approach based on my background in construction engineering to lead the NTOU with the goal of constructing the best NTOU. First, I will continue to promote teaching excellence and innovation, create understanding and harmony on campus, and implement social responsibilities. Second, I will create more new resources. The results of key-featured research will be used to strengthen and encourage more industry-university cooperation and to enhance national competitiveness and world university rankings. By fulfilling these goals, we are going to develop more cross-disciplinary marine professionals who share both local and international perspectives for Taiwan. NTOU thus becomes an impressive and indispensable university in Taiwan. NTOU is an active and respectful top ocean university dedicated to excellence in teaching and research worldwide.